Is There a Link Between My Diet and Yeast Infections? Mar 02, 2025Millions of women experience yeast infections, dealing with the itching, burning, and discomfort. In this month’s blog post, learn if something as simple as a few dietary changes could help relieve symptoms — and what we can do to help.Continue reading →
How to Do a Self-Check Breast Exam In Between VisitsFeb 08, 2025Medical breast screenings and mammograms play key roles in maintaining breast health. So do self-exams. Here’s how to perform a self-check breast exam in between your regular office visits.Continue reading →
What Do I Need to Do for My First Ultrasound?Feb 05, 2025 Ultrasounds provide detailed information about your health. If you’re pregnant, they also show the health of your developing baby. If you’ve never had an ultrasound, here’s how to prepare.Continue reading →
Start Your the New Year Right With a Well Woman ExamJan 15, 2025It’s a new year, and that means it's time to make health-related resolutions. Having a well-woman exam is a great first step to help you set new goals focused on leading a healthier and more satisfying life.Continue reading →
Does it Burn When You Urinate? You Might Have a UTIJan 14, 2025Urinary tract infections (UTIs) affect millions of women. Knowing the symptoms can help you seek treatment quickly before serious complications develop. Learn about burning and other common UTI symptoms.Continue reading →
When Should You Worry About Abnormal Bleeding?Dec 16, 2024Abnormal vaginal bleeding is common. Although it’s usually nothing to worry about, it must always be evaluated and treated. Here’s what constitutes abnormal bleeding and what we can do to help.Continue reading →
How to Choose The Right Contraception For Your LifestyleDec 10, 2024If you’re considering a new birth control method, you have options. Read on to learn tips to help you select the best method for your lifestyle, goals, and personal preferences. Continue reading →
What You Need to Know About IUDs: A Guide from Feminine UrgicareDec 04, 2024What You Need to Know About IUDs An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small, T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. It’s a long-term, highly effective, and reversible form of birth control with a success rate of over 99%. Continue reading →
How Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Help With the Side Effects of MenopauseNov 13, 2024Menopause is a natural part of life for every woman, but that doesn’t mean it’s a pleasant experience. In fact, menopause can cause plenty of unpleasant symptoms. The good news is that hormone replacement therapy can help. Here’s how.Continue reading →
Diabetes and Recurrent Yeast Infections: What's the Connection?Nov 05, 2024If you have diabetes, yeast infections can happen more often, even to the point of becoming recurrent. Here’s how these conditions are linked and what you can do to break the cycle.Continue reading →
Ultrasound vs. Mammogram: Which Breast Cancer Screening Method Is Best for You?Oct 10, 2024Breast cancer screening plays an essential role in early diagnosis. There are two primary screening methods: ultrasound and mammography. How can you know which is right for you? We have the answer.Continue reading →
How PCOS Can Affect Your Health, Fertility, and AppearanceSep 19, 2024Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is common. Yet, many women don’t know its symptoms or how it can affect their health and wellness. Learn the basics of PCOS so you can seek treatment as soon as possible.Continue reading →
What to Do If Your Period Is IrregularAug 19, 2024Irregular periods are common, and in many cases, they’re nothing to worry about. However, recurrent or chronic irregularity could be a sign of a problem. Here’s what to do if your period is irregular.Continue reading →
You Don't Have to Live With Low LibidoJul 24, 2024 Fluctuations in your sex drive are normal. However, if your libido is chronically low, it impacts your quality of life. The good news is we have treatments that can help. Here’s what you need to know.Continue reading →
Tips for Giving Yourself a Breast ExamJun 17, 2024Breast self-exams play an important role in helping you monitor your breast health and look for changes that need a medical evaluation. Here, learn how to perform a self-exam and why professional breast health screenings are essential. Continue reading →
Help! My Partner Tested Positive for an STDMay 10, 2024A diagnosis of an STD can be an upsetting experience, especially when the diagnosis is for your partner. Here’s what steps you can take to ensure you stay healthy and calm. Keep reading!Continue reading →
What Causes Yeast Infections?Apr 16, 2024 Although most women will have a yeast infection at some point, many don’t know why they happen or what they can do to relieve their symptoms and prevent them from recurring. This quick primer can help you stay healthy.Continue reading →
5 Common Myths About InfertilityMar 22, 2024Infertility is common. That said, it’s still surrounded by many myths, including misconceptions that could interfere with diagnosis and treatment. Learn the truth about five confusing myths.Continue reading →
Top Reasons Why You Should Consider STD TestingFeb 05, 2024Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are increasingly common, and without prompt medical treatment, they can lead to serious complications. Here’s why STD testing should be part of your regular health care routine.Continue reading →
When to See a Doctor About a UTIJan 03, 2024Recognizing the signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI) is key to managing your health, and preventing potentially serious complications. Knowing when to go to urgent care ensures that you receive timely treatment.Continue reading →