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You Don't Have to Live With Low Libido

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You Don't Have to Live With Low Libido

Many factors can affect your desire for sex, and it’s not uncommon for your libido to fluctuate throughout your life. However, if your sex drive is chronically low, it’s a problem. Fortunately, treatments can help.

At Feminine Urgicare, our team is dedicated to providing comprehensive and patient-centered women’s health care, including hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to help women restore a healthy sex drive. 

Here, learn why low libido happens and what we can do to help. 

Understanding low libido

Low libido can happen for many reasons. However, declining hormones are one of the most common. Estrogen and progesterone play major roles in reproductive health, and they also have a significant influence on your sex drive. 

While hormone levels can fluctuate throughout your life, they change most during menopause. As hormone production slows, it’s common to have decreased sexual desire. 

In fact, more than a third of women report a decline in sexual interest or pleasure during menopause and the years leading up to it. And that’s just one way hormonal changes affect your desire to have sex.

The effects of declining hormones

Estrogen is also important for vaginal health. When estrogen declines, vaginal tissue gets thinner, drier, and more prone to irritation. Eventually, many women find sexual intercourse extremely uncomfortable — even painful. In fact, some women may bleed following intercourse.

At the same time, the vaginal walls become lax, and blood flow to the vaginal area decreases, leading to a loss of sensation and sexual pleasure. Low estrogen and progesterone levels make it challenging to maintain your weight, and extra pounds can make many women feel less confident during intimacy.

Finally, lower estrogen levels can lead to sleep problems, leaving many women feeling tired and irritable — hardly a good setting for sexual intimacy. 

Other issues can cause hormonal changes and low libido — most notably, breastfeeding and a chronic condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Perimenopause — the months and years before menopause — is also a time of waning sexual desire for many women.

HRT: A solution for low libido

HRT uses bioidentical hormones to replace or supplement the hormones your body makes naturally. Made from plants, bioidentical hormones are chemically identical to natural hormones, which means your body “recognizes,” uses, and eliminates them in the same way as natural hormones.

Replacing hormones your body no longer produces has a direct bearing on your libido, promoting greater sexual desire for more fulfilling relationships and a better quality of life. 

Other benefits

HRT also helps restore vaginal lubrication and tonicity, so sex is more comfortable and pleasurable — for you and your partner. Replenishing hormones can also help you maintain a healthier weight for greater self-confidence.

Plus, regulating hormone levels can help reduce night sweats and improve your sleep, so you have more energy and less irritability and moodiness. 

Every HRT treatment plan is customized on a patient-by-patient basis for maximum effects and the lowest risk of side effects. Regular “check-ins” ensure your therapy remains on track with your needs and symptoms.

Learn more about HRT

HRT begins with an evaluation and blood testing to check your hormone levels and rule out other causes of low libido. To find out how we can help restore your libido and quality of life, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Feminine Urgicare in Paramus, New Jersey, today.